Objectives – 10/12/18

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Now added rooms to all the floors I wanted to use for this project and adjusted the balcony roof to make it more stable. steel beams have been added after a discussion with a structural engineer about how this building should work.

Current objectives:

  • Adjust intro box in design portfolio so the text isn’t touching the box
  • Make a style board with products, colour palette, aesthetic etc
  • Make an axonametric and exploded view of the final model

Objectives – 3/12/18

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This is the current state of the hotels design the hexagon shaped room will be re-arranged since i dislike the current interior layout and certain parts are difficult to navigate. as well as figure out where the stairs should be placed.

Other suggestions given:

  • look up Harmonia 57 building
  • put some metal plates on some of the birdhouse walls

Mattress Materials

Materials Used in Mattresses

Foamsoft material which helps with temperature regulation and pressure point relief. there are different types of foam which include memory foam, gel memory foam, polyurethane foam and viscoelastic foam (rebounded foam)

Polyester batting – used as a filling in pillow top mattress and mattress covers.

Wool – not used as a standalone material for mattress padding and instead serves as extra padding and temperature regulation and extra padding.

Cotton – a breathable material that is used both inside and outside the mattress.

Adhesives – used as a way to bond layers, materials and seams together. Quilting is often combined with adhesives to strengthen the bonds.

Flame Retardants – found in all mattresses as a legal requirement.

Steel Coils –  either formed as open coils or individually wrapped coils, they are a key structural component that are the firm support as the base of the mattress.

Mattress Types

Memory Foam – Consists of polyurethane and additional chemicals to increase its viscosity and density. The foam bubbles are open and create a matrix through which air can move and allow the foam to soften in reaction to body heat, allowing it to mold into the body shape within a matter of minutes. newer foams return to their original shape quicker. They also don’t have coils in them.

Innerspring Mattress – the most numerous and the most popular due to their affordability. They also support a variety of sleepers including stomach sleepers, people with back pain, and overweight individuals. However, they have the tendency to sag, short lifespans, noisiness and lack of motion isolation.

Hybrid Mattress – these mattresses combine two or more support systems such as memory foam and the innerspring system. making them a great way to experience the pressure of reliving benefits of memory foam while retaining the feel of an innerspring mattress.



Bird Flight Patterns

Common Bird fight patterns

  1. Direct Flight – birds fly in a straight level path while continuously flapping their wings. Species that use this includes: Ducks, Herons, Shorebirds and Blackbirds
  2. Flap and Glide – the bird takes a break from flying and glide instead. Species that do this include: Ravens, Owls and Hawkes
  3. Glide – birds glide without flapping. Birds that do this are Swifts and Swallows.
  4. Hawking – involves flying out and up from a perch and then back again in circular motion. it used by birds like flycatchers and warblers to hunt for insects “on the wing”
  5. Hovering – the bird appears as if its hovering in one spot. this is mainly used by hummingbirds because they do this at will due to a unique flexible shoulder joint that enables the bird to create lift during the up and down stroke. Kestrels, Kingfishers, and Storm-prestels are capable of hovering briefly.
  6. Static Soaring – Hawkes and Vultures fly in circles and soar on their long broad wings.
  7. Straight-Line-Formation – Pelicans, Flamingoes, Cormorants, and cranes fly in a straight line in formation while low over the water.
  8. Undulating Flight – a rollercoaster style flight pattern where birds flap their wings during the rising phase then glides as it descends. this style is used by Woodpeckers and Finches.
  9. V Formation – a flock of birds arranged in a V pattern. each bird is slightly higher than the other and takes advantage of the lift generated by the wingtip vortex of the bird in front of it. the lead bird and outside positions are the most difficult physically so the birds often switch positions. these are used by migratory birds such as Geese, Ducks and Swans.
  10. Zigzag – Snipes and Grouse fly up and down in a triangular path. Its mainly used to elude predators.


Source: https://pqspb.org/bpqpoq/10-bird-flight-patterns-to-know/

What birds eat

Birds have many types of diets that vary depending on the birds species and nutritional needs. It can also vary based on the season. The best way to attract birds is by observing what they eat

The type of foods birds naturally eat include:

  • Insects
  • seeds, grass and plant material
  • pollen
  • fruit and berries
  • nectar
  • rodents and other small animals

Its also possible to offer them kitchen scraps such as fruit, vegetables, cheese and bread. However they have less nutritional value than wild bird foods so they should only be offered as occasional treats.

Tips for attracting birds:

  • offer both natural and supplemental foods to attract a variety of birds.
  • clean bird feeders regularly. this includes ground feeding stations and the areas underneath the feeding areas to eliminate buildups of seed hulls or feces which could lead to contamination or disease spreading.
  • use baffles to make the feeding stations squirrel-proof
  • add water sources, nests and appropriate shelters to make your space more suitable survival space for the birds. this will also make them less likely to leave.

source: https://www.thespruce.com/attract-birds-with-food-386394

Birds in Sheffield

Birds found in the Sheffield/Rotherham area:

Barn owl, Black-Headed Gull, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Blackcap, Buzzard, Canada Goose, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Coal Tit,  Collard Dove, Coot, Curlew, Dipper, Dunnock, Goldcresst, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Hen Harrier, Herring gull, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Lapwing, Linnet, Little Egret, Little Grebe, Mallard, Mandarin Duck, Meadow Pipit, Moorhen, Robin, Skylark, Snipe, Starling, Tree Sparrow, Waxwing, Wheatear, Wood Warbler

Total = 40


Ponds/Wetland/Coastal: Canada Goose, Coot, Dipper, Little Egret, Little Grebe, Mallard, Mandarin Duck, Moorhen, Snipe

Total = 9

Woodlands/Parks/Farmland: Barn Owl, Blackbird, Blackcap, Blue Tit, Bullfinch, Buzzard, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Coal Tit, Collard Dove, Dunnock, Goldcrest, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Robin, Skylark, Tree Sparrow, Wood Warbler

Total = 21

Widespread*: Black-Headed Gull, Curlew, Hen Harrier, Herring Gull, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Lapwing, Starling, Waxwing, Wheatear

Total = 10

*includes city areas as there is no singular type of bird that can only be found in cities.